Article ID : S500024706 / Last Modified : 11/04/2018Print

How do I disable Live tile in Windows 8?

How do I disable Live tile in Windows 8?

    Some of the apps in Windows 8 Start Screen are Live tiles which display real-time information dynamically. For instance, the Mail tile would display new messages, Calendar would display upcoming event or appointment, and a weather tile would display the current weather condition. However, you can turn-off this Live tiles feature and just convert it to a static tile. To do this, follow the steps below:

    1. From the Start screen, right-click on the tile of the metro-style app that you want to turn the Live tile off. An app bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
    2. From the app bar, click Turn live tile off button.
    3. The Live tile is converted to a static tile with no information updates displayed on the tile. The example below shows that Email and Finance apps are currently set as static tiles.