Article ID : 00061154 / Last Modified : 10/09/2021Print

How to import or transfer files from the Digital Voice Recorder using Sound Organizer.

    IMPORTANT: Please ensure you have the latest version of the Sound Organizer before continuing.

    1. Connect the Digital Voice Recorder to the computer using the supplied USB cable.
    2. Open the Sound Organizer software.

      NOTE: If a Sound Organizer window displays, click Yes to continue.

    3. In the Sound Organizer window under Import/Transfer, click IC Recorder.
    4. Choose either the Display VOICE Folder, Display MUSIC Folder, or the Display PODCAST Folder button.
    5. After selecting the files to import, click the blue Import Arrow.
    6. After editing the audio, a copy of the edited audio file will be created and you can transfer the edited file back to your recorder.